HairMax laser devices are designed for the maintenance of results after the 9-month program. They can be used by both men and women experiencing thinning hair or pattern baldness resulting from a hereditary condition. The Norwood Hamilton Classification (for men) and the Ludwig-Savin Classification (for women) are systems used by doctors to describe degrees of hair loss.
HairMax Benefits:

Stages of Hair Loss:
Below are pictures representing different stages of hair loss. The shaded areas indicate the type of hair loss that can be effectively treated with HairMax laser devices. It is important to note that HairMax laser devices have not been clinically tested for hair loss outside of the shaded areas.
Ludwig-Savin Classification – Females

Norwood Hamilton Classification – Males

HairMax Laser Devices have not been clinically tested for the hair loss outside of the shaded areas.
FEMALE – was experiencing diffused thinning on the vertex of her scalp. At completion of the clinical study, the hair re-grew to cover her scalp and the density and fullness of her hair was significantly improved.
MALE – extensive hair loss in the vertex area of his scalp. At completion of the clinical study, denser hair is seen with much less scalp showing through and balding areas less pronounced.
FEMALE – significant hair loss at the temporal area. At completion of the clinical study the target area has shown significant new hair growth.
HairMax Clinical Studies
Seven clinical studies have been conducted on the HairMax LaserComb with a total of 460 subjects. Six of these studies were double-blinded, control-device trials conducted at top major research centres such as the Cleveland Clinic, University of Miami and University of Minnesota.
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Clinical study participants were divided into two groups. One group used the HairMax LaserComb and the other group used a control device that looked like the LaserComb but did not provide any laser light.
All of the LaserComb clinical studies complied with the strict regulations of FDA Good Clinical Practices. During these 6 month studies, subjects treated their hair once per day, 3 times a week, on non-consecutive days.
The number of thick, normal, healthy hairs in the target area were counted at the beginning of the studies and then again at 16 weeks and 26 weeks.
Mean terminal hair count changes from baseline in FEMALES (26 weeks)
Mean terminal hair count changes from baseline in MALES (26 weeks)
Clinical trial proves efficacy in males and females
Over 90% of participants experienced significant hair growth with a combined average increase in hair count of 149 additional hairs per sq. inch. Additionally, LaserComb users report increased density, reversal of the thinning process, increased fullness of hair and an overall improvement of scalp health. There have never been any reports of serious side effects occurring.